How to monitor TFS version upgrades through backend Data Tier Servers

At times, TFS upgrades may take longer time than expected and you might have to handover the activity to somebody else in your team. But the challenge is that, your colleague may not be able to monitor the upgrade via TFS Admin Console GUI so, the turnaround is to connect the backend data tier server --> connect to tfs_configuration database and run below sql query to get detailed information on the status of TFS upgrade.

Use TFS_configuration 
Select SJD.HostID, SH.Name, SJD.JobStatus, SJD.StartTime, SJD.EndTime, SJD.CompletedStepCount, SJD.TotalStepCount
FROM tbl_ServicingJobDetail SJD
Join tbl_ServiceHost SH on SH.HostID = SJD.HostID
Order By StartTime desc

Select top 10 * from dbo.tbl_ServicingStepDetail 
Order By DetailTime desc
